A Calling For Anointed Warriors in the Army of God

Video Series

Both this video series plus my book entitled “Anointed Warriors in the Army of God” address vital questions Concerning End-time Events Depicted In The Book Of Revelation And The Missional Calling For 21st Century Generation
Of Warrior-spirited Christians.

This is meant for that Christian remnant who are discerning that tremendous challenges lie shortly before us and are seeking guidance on what we are about to confront and how to BE READY!

Reach out to Dr. Don Bell via email: don@watchmencalling.com

About the author of “Anointed Warriors in the Army of God”


Major, USMC, Ret.
Vietnam War Veteran


I am not a pastor by profession, but I am a professional businessman with a deep, deep passion to see our Lord’s Kingdom visibly manifested in our country during this present generation.

What This Mission Is Not!

I proudly served in the Marine Corps for 20 years, and I believe in our beloved country. I am proud of our Founding Fathers, and the Constitution of the United States of America. Soldiers in the Army of God need to understand that we are NOT forces of a revolution attempting to establish a righteous government in this present world – a world that is growing dangerously darker day by day. The mission of this book is to spiritually prepare Christian warriors for the tribulation upheavals that are coming – it is not a calling for political upheaval.

‘To visibly magnify the glorious light of Jesus Christ by living out the Spirit of the Gospel in my life in such a way that it will positively affect others in the Army of God for the strengthening and expanding of our Lord’s Kingdom amidst the troubling days which are shortly before us.’


Anointed Warriors in the Army of God

We are right on the verge of devastating events that will create great fear and chaos throughout the world and especially in our comfort-seeking nation. These are end-time events that are quite mystifying but extremely critical for this generation of Christianity to understand. Jesus has provided us with advance warning concerning the great tribulation that will precede His 2nd coming to establish His kingdom on the earth:

“For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be.”

Matthew 24:21

The mission of this book is to provide a clearer understanding of these times by looking at biblical prophecy through our 21st century eyes. It is intended to feed the warrior spirit within that Christian remnant who are aware of the tremendous challenges that lie before us and are seeking guidance as to what we are about to confront, and how to “be ready.”

The author’s approach to addressing these end-time events is from a military perspective since much of who he is today is the result of serving twenty years in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War era. The Lord has put a deep burden in his heart to arouse a remnant of Christian warriors to visualize their heritage and mission in life.

The common purpose for all volunteers in the Army of God is to prepare in the boot-camp of life in order to allow the light and glory of our Commander-in-Chief, Jesus Christ to be clearly manifested on the spiritual battlefield which lies in the midst of this world.

Hopefully, this book will encourage many Christians who are discerning that troubling times are about to descend upon the United States, as well as the entire world, to begin preparing now. Those who have seriously prepared will be among the Christian leadership in the Army of God who will stand strong in the glorious power of our Lord in the midst of these catastrophic times.

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.”

Isaiah 60:1-2


Customers Reviews

The book is a spiritual and doctrinal treasure. I wish I would have picked it up to start reading sooner than I did. I am really looking forward to your website and the video’s. But mostly, I am looking forward to our Savior’s return! 🙂

Debra Rose

You’ve lit a fire brother! I’m worshiping like never before; I’m praying like never before; the word is on FIRE in me; I’ve got powerful scriptures being written on the tablets of my heart. Brother these words are ever so sharp.

Karl Moegling

Waw!!!, the feedbacks are really encouraging and some of the things said, express how my husband and I have been feeling. It’s sure good to know that we are not alone. We are also watchman intercessors/prayer warriors; we’ve been praying reguarly for the different parts of WA as the Lord instructs.

Simoneice Walker

I’m only 1/3 of the way through the book, but I’m very impressed with its content & message. It’s very well structured and addresses a true shortfall in Christendom. Too many times, Christian books are written to the newly converted Christian. Yours is one of the rare books addressing the (… supposedly …) mature Christian. Everything you’ve discussed through the first third of the book is poignant, showing where Christendom leadership is severely lacking.

Dennis Meyrs

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