Christian Warriors – “Anointed of God”
The Final Gospel Proclamation
The Gospel Message of The 144,000 Christian Warriors
But this will also be a time when waters turn to blood, the skies are shut so that no rain may fall, and plagues strike throughout the earth. The kingdom must come through tribulation and through all kinds of plagues and calamities. Do not think that this is strange; Moses delivered his people from Egypt by bringing great devastating plagues upon the land, which brought Egypt to its knees. During Elijah’s day, the kingdom again was strengthened when he prayed that God would withhold rain from an apostate nation. It may also be that the people of God in the last days will consciously refuse to pray for blessings on the wicked world, and they will beseech God for plagues and judgments that His kingdom may come. And it shall become plain to the entire world, even as it was plain to Pharaoh in the case of Moses and to Ahab in the case of Elijah, that it is the 144,000 witnesses of God, ministering throughout the world, who bring about these plagues upon the earth.
The mission of these end-time witnesses for Christ is not to bring peace to the world but to bring division and war, not just among nations but within neighborhoods and families.
This is a hard teaching that is never heard from the pulpits, but separation has to take place. The pure light of holiness will not compromise with darkness. There can be no middle ground in the Kingdom of God. This truth of God is 180 degrees opposite that which is embraced by the worldly system which emphasizes “tolerance” as a requirement for world peace. Not surprisingly, the world’s government will once again unite with the false church of Christianity to persecute the true church with the objective of erasing the hard gospel truths of Jesus Christ from the earth.
However, if we keep our eyes upon the Lord, our attitude in the midst of persecution and suffering will be one of great joy, knowing that the eternal rewards that await us will be great.
The world must hear the gospel message proclaimed by the church and must hear it repeatedly so that they become fully conscious of their sin and the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Those who reject Him will do so willingly and deliberately. Then the testimony is finished and may be silenced. At this point the Antichrist will overcome the witnesses and kill many of them, but perhaps not all, for there will be a remnant of saints who are alive at the second coming of Christ. But for most of the saints of God, this will be a time of terrible persecution as the Antichrist rises up to silence their testimony. Then the Antichrist will reign supreme, and the world will rejoice and send gifts to one another because the true church, which spoke of blood and judgment has finally been overpowered; or so they believe.
The Hatred of the World
Consider this: Many true Christians may have been called to this leadership role, yet they did not forsake their lives and thus did not achieve their full calling. They certainly are among the saints of God, but they did not rise up to the leadership role that God had prepared them for. Many of us wrestle with this calling while living in the midst of our blessed comforts. Those who have been called know it deep down inside, yet many are continually excusing their laziness by believing they will start tomorrow. However, tomorrow never seems to come. We need to fight these comforting temptations that impede our calling to prioritize the Lord in our lives. Every one of us faces these temptations toward apathy, as it is an ongoing attack from the enemy. Today, we must continually resist and prepare, for the Day of the Lord is shortly before us. Warriors, we must continue to seek for our individual destinies that He is calling us to and preparing us for!