
What People are Saying..

Few of selected reviews from book readers.

This book has opened my heart, my mind, and my eyes to what is already here and what is about to come. The book is amazing! And as I was reading I literally felt the truth and light in your words as they relate to God’s Word and the battle, long underway and intensifying, between our Savior and Lord Yeshua and Satan; our enemy of all enemies.

Waw!!!, the feedbacks are really encouraging and some of the things said, express how my husband and I have been feeling. It’s sure good to know that we are not alone. We are also watchman intercessors/prayer warriors; we’ve been praying reguarly for the different parts of WA as the Lord instructs

Simoneice Walker

What great inspiration and truth you have shared. I am greatly encouraged and inspired to strive to become one of God’s Warriors. Everybody needs to read this book and explore the hard facts found there! I will definitely be looking to purchase additional books, as the book I have will be out on loan pretty soon. I have already had the opportunity to talk to a few people about what I have found in your book and how much sense it makes as a believer.

I’m only 1/3 of the way through the book, but I’m very impressed with its content & message. It’s very well structured and addresses a true shortfall in Christendom. Too many times, Christian books are written to the newly converted Christian. Yours is one of the rare books addressing the (… supposedly …) mature Christian. Everything you’ve discussed through the first third of the book is poignant, showing where Christendom leadership is severely lacking.

Dennis Meyrs

The book is a spiritual and doctrinal treasure. I wish I would have picked it up to start reading sooner than I did. I am really looking forward to your website and the video’s. But mostly, I am looking forward to our Savior’s return! 🙂
Debra Rose

You’ve lit a fire brother! I’m worshiping like never before; I’m praying like never before; the word is on FIRE in me; I’ve got powerful scriptures being written on the tablets of my heart. Brother these words are ever so sharp.

Karl Moegling

I read the book cover to cover and was enlightened. I found out I didn’t know as much as I thought I did. I took the book with me to our bible study last Friday morning. The Deacon who holds the bible study asked if he could take it to read, too. A couple other guys are waiting in line to read it. A year or so ago we studied the book of Revelation; but I never understood it as well as I do now… If anyone would have told me fifty years ago that you would one day be one of Gods Servants? I would have probably just laughed it off. Don – I am very proud of you and very happy that you are doing the Lords work. the sermon at Church today sounded like a page out of your book.
Vern Johnson

I was reading about the very events, attitudes, plans, and changes happening and being played out today in 2020 that you wrote of originally, several years ago; all laid out in the Scriptures thousands of years ago. Your guidance through the End Time Scriptures was exemplary in its understanding and truthfulness, especially as it relates to what is already happening in the world today. The way in which you have broken down each verse is clear and precise. The understanding it brings digs far below the surface and pulls up unexpected emotion. I could feel the Holy Spirit with me as I read.

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