
God’s Anointed Warriors Video Series



Author Dr. Donald Bell

This is an introduction to 15 presentations which address vital questions concerning end-time events depicted in the Book of Revelation.



Author Dr. Donald Bell

This video provides a brief testimony of my Vietnam experience and how it removed my heart from the world and subsequently, into the kingdom of God. Then I’ll provide summary overview of our nation which has gone terribly astray.



Author Dr. Donald Bell

This is an introduction to 15 presentations which address vital questions concerning end-time events depicted in the Book of Revelation.



Author Dr. Donald Bell

This video provides a brief testimony of my Vietnam experience and how it removed my heart from the world and subsequently, into the kingdom of God. Then I’ll provide summary overview of our nation which has gone terribly astray.

What I am hearing about the future of the church and America?

Coming to America

The restoration of a “United World” has been rapidly progressing. And the catalyst that will suddenly ignite its power is an extreme catastrophic event(s) that will bring the United States to its knees.

What type of catastrophic event? Perhaps a sudden economic meltdown but more than likely, it will be a “sudden” catastrophic event unforeseen by the citizens of our country. For example: A terrorist mission to simultaneously detonate nuclear devices in our large coastal cities. (Perhaps like a Hiroshima America?).

Immediate Result: More national chaos than a thousand Haiti’s or Katrina’s or 9-11’s. No groceries/no gas/no stores/no banks. The dollar will be worthless. Gang-related crime will be dangerously widespread throughout the urban areas and neighborhoods.

The governmental response: Strict martial law perhaps aligned with the United Nations, which will war against their perception of terrorist activities. It is also likely that a youth militia similar to that of Nazi Germany in the early thirties will be commissioned to bring “peace” to America.

Click here to download or print a copy of this Christian Calling paper

The following passage is one of many that speak of the times which lie shortly before the American church.

“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

Matthew 24:9-14

If we, the church prepare, times like this can be our finest hour as we reach out with God’s love and truth and justice to a lost generation. (Quote by Tim Taylor: Watchmen Ministries)

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